By Anonymous - 24/09/2010 04:53 - Canada

Today, I finally got everything in order to ask out the girl of my dreams. I bought her a gold necklace, engraved with our names, and with the date on the back. Everything was going great until she got sick and had to go home. Now I'm stuck with this necklace with the wrong date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 671
You deserved it 53 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You bought a necklace and engraved it... FOR A DATE? How needy are you? Geez.. desperation obviously has a price... the price of a necklace.

Pool that necklace. For like... a year. Then if you are still together, maybe it won't scare her away. Judging from what you wrote its the first date... you would freak her out with a gift like that on first date. Freak her straight out of your life forever.


why the hell did you put a date if you weren't going out with her ?!

mr_miyagi 0

you must be ******* loaded with cash. but listen to 96 hes totally right and by then she wont notice if the date is one day off

I read this as a first date; in which case, my best guess would be that the girl preferred to run and leave OP "stuck with a necklace with the wrong date", in preference to herself being stuck with an insensitive, and obsessed stalker. On the other hand, I can see how "asking a girl out" could mean asking her to "go steady", in which case OP has a romantic memento of that date, which he can give to the girl on a later date, when she's not so sick. Hint #1. The fact that OP is all upset over being "stuck with a necklace with the wrong date" makes OP sound obsessive, and also far more concerned about a gold necklace than about the health of the "girl of his dreams" - why is OP lamenting on FML about being stuck with a necklace instead of visiting "the girl of his dreams" when she's sick and seeing if he can help?? Hist #2. OP: If she gets sick the next time you try to give her the necklace, then you probably *are* creeping her out, and she will probably only ever be your girl in your dreams.

REMEMBER the date, and make up the necklace as an anniversary gift of some kind. It's kind of presumptuous to make the engraving for the night before you know it was special.

man, gold for first date: stupid, and as pointed out by many ******* obsessive and CREEPY like just wow. learn how to socialize before even bothering to try and ask out any girl ever. idiot

Chocolate_Chunk 2

I seriously how OP's main language is not english and with asking her out, he meant propose to her.

Looool why not save that for when she says yes??

i think thats very sweet and it wuld be even cuter having the wrong date lol