By keisha89 - 22/06/2010 00:27 - United States

Today, I finally met the guy I've been talking to online for a year. I'd dropped 10lbs off my weight. He'd shaved 20 years off his age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 900
You deserved it 38 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

I'm a 23 year old straight male model. I also act on the side and am working on the cure for cancer. Hit me up, I'm also available.

FYLDeep 25


ScaryGirl 4

YDI. Why would you believe someone you met online?

beasting 0

this is why u have a video comfrence with them or actualy get a real person to go out with

ThatLooksSticky 16

you never swapped pics? never skyped? never checked out his myspace/facebook? (I'm not a stalker BTW). I suppose if you really care for him, age doesn't matter.

Aah, the wonderful world of google images and fake facebook pages. They're quite fun to make, actually.

ThatLooksSticky 16

that's why i mentioned skype - you can't fake a web cam. could, but it'd be tough.

Rememberme1105 0

ydi for meeting a random guy off the Internet. I mean, I've met people I talked to online too, but I always made sure the person and I had mutual friends/aquaintances. I hope you were smart enough to at least bring a friend with you. You're lucky you didn't get raped or murdered!

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

WTF y online date? when there are plenty of handsome man walking around. smh

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

you lucky he didn't snatch you up n rape your ass.

Hiropon 0

AHAHAHA, I love how you worded it. xD

blitz426 0

and that is why you don't try to make freinds online

This is why I talk to them on webcam and stuff. It's easier to see if they are who they say they are.

seriously people? it really isn't that difficult. 71 not only did you get it wrong once... you got it wrong, had someone correct you and then hot it wrong AGAIN... seriously? are you $&@$ing kidding me right now? 24, 25, and 35 read a few comment people who have a Brain will explain it for you... and while the way op wrote it was a bit ambiguous, who the **** lies about being older than they really are while cybering....? he was ovibously old and said he was younger...