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By Anonymous - 29/08/2015 13:44 - Canada

Today, I finished a big painting for art class. It's also the day my little brother decided it didn't have enough puke on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 175
You deserved it 1 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I decided to paint my feelings. This one is called 'Very angry because my brother puked on my painting'."

SharnaaaBanana 22

Hey, art comes in all forms I guess :P


SharnaaaBanana 22

Hey, art comes in all forms I guess :P

yes but art doesn't make you say eww when you smell it ?

butterfingers583 21

Maybe he was helping you go for the abstract art look.

"I decided to paint my feelings. This one is called 'Very angry because my brother puked on my painting'."

Submit it to a modern museum anyway. Some one will justify it as a "masterpiece," "innovative" or "exquisite!"

tantanpanda 26

Make sure it's displayed in a glass case cuz nobody wants to smell that!

Maybe you teacher will be like a modern art museum and say it is a masterpiece (Just don't tell her about the vomit).

Swandive235 27

Hopefully your teacher will understand. If not, maybe just submit it anyway and name it after whatever he ate that made him puke. "Lunchables Gone Bad" or "Expired Goldfish"

NodakN8V 25