By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I finished doing a resume that I had spent three hours on. I e-mailed it to the business I was applying for, satisfied. I decided to look it over. The first thing I notice, I spelt my own name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 254
You deserved it 54 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moleSG 6

That's why you look it over BEFORE sending it. Sorry, but YDI.

oh look, I found another homoretardis in its natural habitat trolling and giving the most dumbass YDI remarks.... what a hideous sight!


caltain 0

It's a spell checker, not a fish checker. A spelt is a type of fish. No resume should take three hours, unless you can't type or are making everything up. Either way, I'd go with my briefcase was stolen on the subway...

musu_fml 0

Spelt is valid, as is whilst and learnt and all manner of other variant spellings. They're chiefly British, but can be found in use in the US. Americans, do try to remember that you are not the only ones that speak the language, that you were not the first to speak the language, and your particular version of the language is not the only valid one, and that even within your own country the language has many different variations. And above all, please try to act a little less like the stereotype so much of the rest of the world has for your country: the "willfully-ignorant American".


YDI. next time check your shit BEFORE u email it. Thats why publishers proofread manuscripts BEFORE publishing them, etc

mmurray002 0

for all the people who think "spelt" is not a word...I'm a Brit living in the US and spelt is most definitely a word. It's also not just used in Britain - it's used in the US, also.

loserface1994 0

You didn't just spell your own name wrong you spelled spelled wrong. Spel-led not Spel-t.

omgggggggg. you appearently don't know anything.

What kind of idiots are saying SPELT is not a word is is STANDARD ENGLISH look it up fools. SPELLED? American grammar is a disaster!

Yea! Spelt IS a word, look it up, it's a kind of WHEAT, NOT the past of spell ¬.¬ If you could, oh i don't know, READ you would've realized that's what merriam-webster, wiki, etc. say about it...alternative spelling, right

it's the past tense of spell. The Original past tense of spell. shut up

beaniebabe 0

spelt isn't a word no wonder you SPELLED your name wrong

antonioohama 0

You look over your résumé for hours *before* you send it in.

"Spelt" may be an acutal word but it sounds really low class, if I were interviewing you, and you use the word spelt, I wouldn't hire you. "Y'all, I spelt all the words I good"

If you went to another country where they spoke Standard English and you used the word 'spelled' you probably would not get hired. 'Spelled' is American English not Standard English.