By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I finished doing a resume that I had spent three hours on. I e-mailed it to the business I was applying for, satisfied. I decided to look it over. The first thing I notice, I spelt my own name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 254
You deserved it 54 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moleSG 6

That's why you look it over BEFORE sending it. Sorry, but YDI.

oh look, I found another homoretardis in its natural habitat trolling and giving the most dumbass YDI remarks.... what a hideous sight!


umm also spelt isnt a word you even messed up your fml guess you should look over things

YDI spelling your name should be the easiest part of a resume but hey there are always more jobs in the sea.

tana123 0

idiot, it's 'spelled'. not 'spelt'. i'm not suprised you 'spelt' your name wrong.

both are proper terms of the verb. Just "spelled" is more American. But spelt actually sounds better, like she knows proper grammar.

If you are applying for a job that you really really need sometimes you are in such a hurry that you miss it even if you read it over many times. I stupidly spelled volunteer - voluteer. Luckily it was the second page of my resume and I ripped it off as I was walking in to apply for the job.

dreamofme 0

It's SPELLED. not SPELT. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

ColoursFade 0

I'd be shocked by your ignorance...but your pic says so much...

cRothabeast 0

good news is theyll never know the difference

It's okay. To err is human. I also often miss what is written in the largest letters. Nevermind. :)

For all you idiots out there (presumably ignorant Americans who have only grown up with "spelled") SPELT IS A WORD! I have Google Chrome and it keeps trying to correct English spellings of words with the American versions. It does this to words such as personalise, with the suffix "ise" instead of the American "ize". Back to the point however, SPELT IS A WORD. First definition: –verb a pt. and pp. of spell 1 . (pt. means past tense and pp. means past participle for those aforementioned idiots)