By Animeislyfe - 25/08/2015 02:56 - United States - Stockbridge

Today, my dad took my phone away because I "had to be texting while driving in order to wreck my car." I was too ashamed to tell him that a huge bug flew into my face causing me to veer off the road and into a brick mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 191
You deserved it 7 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaximumBeat 16

There was really nothing to be ashamed about OP, we all make mistakes and you should be honest about it:).

CliffyB03 28

I'd rather say that than give in to stereotypes


CliffyB03 28

I'd rather say that than give in to stereotypes

MaximumBeat 16

There was really nothing to be ashamed about OP, we all make mistakes and you should be honest about it:).

RenoTheRhino 30

YDI Everyone gets started by bugs sometimes. It's just a natural reaction. Tell him the truth because I'd think you were a complete idiot for texting and driving.

Really? If bugs can cause you make an accident, you should not be driving

RenoTheRhino 30

50, but what about a Dragonfly of Death. What if this dragonfly was hell bent on getting inside your left eye socket? What if it flew right into your ear and started puking out its insides? Or perhaps, it was a Horsefly of Hell.

Honestly, bugs are disgusting and I don't blame you. That's not even that embarrassing, compared to ways my friends have gotten into accidents. Be honest and tell him the truth(:

aneff0592 13

I really don't see how that is too embarrassing to tell the truth. I've had to pull over on a highway and get out of my car running around like a crazy person thanks to a black widow dropping down on my lap before. Shit happens

well i think that when someone didn't freak the **** out with a black widow on their lap, that would be cause for worry. i bet that was awful to say the least.