By jlover42 - 01/05/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, I forgot my inhaler. I had an asthma attack and had to go to the ER. The doctors told me it wasn't an asthma attack. It was just a panic attack from worrying about whether I would get an asthma attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 857
You deserved it 18 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sweetjosephine 0

That sucks. And to the people saying "lame", "YDI", etc. Asthma is serious business. People die without their inhalers. That's like worrying about not having a parachute while skydiving. the OP had every right to freak out for forgetting their inhaler.

Aw, that's one of those things that isn't funny at the time but you'll laugh about it later. I don't have asthma but panic attacks are never fun :( And to all the people who leave comments saying YDI or that you should just get over it - unless you have asthma or know someone who has and suffers from attacks I don't think you have the right to judge whether this is a true FML. Also - have you never left something important behind before? Hope you feel better now though x


maybe you don't really have Asthma or at least it's not as bad you thought.

Surely the moment you realize you don't have your inhaler with you, you go to the nurse or someone and let them know? And tell your friends/teachers that you don't have your inhaler with you, so if you start having an asthma attack they should take you to the nurse, who damn well should have loads of spare inhalers. It's not really a reason to have a panic attack. In fact, there are very few reasons to have a proper panic attack. It's decidedly counterproductive.

My mum died from asthma you asshole saying 'pussy' and 'get over it' can go F#ck your self

omg that happened to me once. deep. feel better!

ilovefmlife 0

I have asthma too :( and thats almost happened to me before I constantly was like "OMG what if I can't breath and I die?" and then I couldn't breathe lol I hope your better though (:

similar thing happens to me all the time, like if i'm running somewher and think to check if i have my inhaler and then find i don't, thats when i start getting an asthma attack when i would have otherwise been fine.

Wow I feel bad for you. Hope this helps you remember to bring your inhaler next time. #60- seriously, just stfu and crawl back under the rock you came from. that's the stupidest advice I've ever heard of.

pancakelover 0

Hey #60, most of the people I know who have asthma are not overweight! And hey by the way, Lindsay Lohan has asthma... and she's thin! (Bad example I know).

I've had "serious asthma" my entire life. Used to use that (spelling?) nebulizer machine three time's a day and take a pill and use an inhaler along with all that. Now I smoke a pack a day and it feels no different. You learn to just calm down when you feel constricted, and your lungs open up more....for that one last cig hahaha