By caitiexob - 20/02/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I found a note in my locker from a really hot guy asking me to prom. I went up to him saying how excited I was to go. He said "Oh you got the note?" and slipped it into the locker next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 299
You deserved it 2 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greenfairy_fml 0

aw, I'm sorry. high school sucks

wow...elementary school notes in high might wanna set your sights a little higher.


Polka_Dots 0

that's awful :( don't worry, what they say is true - high school sucks, but the real world is so much better!

You should have kicked him in the nuts!

love hurts. high school sucks. and you will find someone WAY better than him :)

I like how no one is taking the guy's side. It is 100% possible that it was supposed to go to someone else and he just had the wrong locker number.

...wouldn't you usually try to make sure the note was for you in the first place?

Considering you wanted to go to prom with him based only on his looks, I say YDI.

I wonder if the locker he put it in next was the wrong one too... "Today, I tried to ask the girl of my dreams to prom by slipping a note in her locker...I keep getting the wrong locker."