By Aled - 17/02/2011 16:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I found my mom eating cat biscuits. We don't have a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 836
You deserved it 3 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By "cat biscuits," do you mean those biscuit treats you feed cats or actual biscuits made of cats? The second item would explain why you don't have a cat, among other animals/objects. Either way, make sure to get your mom spayed and/or neutered.


Dang... if they were dog biscuits we could all make "bitch" jokes :l

She should go on that one show that has ppl with weird habbits

send mama to the nut house cuz she's crazy as hell.

keshafan101 0

Did she see that "9 Lives for Seniors" commercial?

what's the big deal? dog/cat/fish/ferret food taste ****** awesome! I snack on it like it was popcorn. except it's more expensive....cuz my babies only get the best.

ImLizAndImBored 0

Make sure she is litter box trained

FruitSalad4225 0

I have never heard of cat biscuits.

ummm whats a cat biscuit? I've heard of dog biscuits but never a cat biscuit.. op your mom scares me