By Aled - 17/02/2011 16:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I found my mom eating cat biscuits. We don't have a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 836
You deserved it 3 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By "cat biscuits," do you mean those biscuit treats you feed cats or actual biscuits made of cats? The second item would explain why you don't have a cat, among other animals/objects. Either way, make sure to get your mom spayed and/or neutered.


coryadam23 0

I guess Scooby Snacks work on Mom's too =D

KingDingALing 9

I applaude Robin for beating you to the joke, Doc. You've been hogging the QDB since the start! It's time for a change!

She could go on "My Strange Addiction". Don't you get money for being on there?

I heard your mom likes eating pussy, not pussy food. Maybe misunderstood.

Don't be concerned if she hops up on the tables and starts cleaning her privates.. Juss saying.

ashrandom 0

It's time they feature her on 'My Strange Addiction'.

Don't think we have it yet... but when they do a UK version...