By Aled - 17/02/2011 16:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I found my mom eating cat biscuits. We don't have a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 836
You deserved it 3 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By "cat biscuits," do you mean those biscuit treats you feed cats or actual biscuits made of cats? The second item would explain why you don't have a cat, among other animals/objects. Either way, make sure to get your mom spayed and/or neutered.


Maybe she wants to be a cat? I've heard that if you eat enough of them eventually you'll turn into a cat.

At least she wasn't eating limp biscuits.

was this a subtle hint at the band? if so, good for you sir! nice pun.

Don't knock it until you try it! But honestly, I can't see this affecting your life.

meowmeowwkitty 0

#18 - "Don't knock it till you try it" LMAO not something I really want to try... haha and would affect her/his life if it causes the mother sudden death... or if she's sneaking the biscuits into dinner

I was kidding, sunshine :) And I don't think cat biscuits will cause death. I'm sorry but that was a rather dumb thing to say. Also, nowhere does this FML say that the mother is sneaking cat biscuit crumbs into their dinner, nor would that affect OP's life. Don't reply when you have nothing useful to say. :)

that may have been o e of the nicest put-downs ever. it made me :)

nynjapyrate 0

bahaha 33 I love how u sneak the smileys in. it's a whole new level of smart ass. makes me giggle

hahayousucks 3
emodude44 0

Ewww! Everyone knows goldfish food is where its at!

meowmeowwkitty 0
RedPillSucks 31

Is your mom Halle Berry? Cause she was wearing the hell out of that catwoman suit. I'd give her my biscuit to munch on....

it's a free country. Let her eat what she wants, at least it's not from the can;)