By AFGirlfriend - 28/03/2011 19:10 - United States

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My boyfriend and I have been dying to have kids together. This would be an exciting moment if he wasn't deploying in June and will miss everything except the morning sickness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 071
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cheeksMcgeeks 3

No, THIS is what is wrong for America. Everyone believing you need to follow every tradition set in place exactly as everyone thinks it should be. Get married then have kids, never the reverse. Marriage is just as susceptible to problems as is being boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe they're completely happy being just "bf/gf." Is it really going to kill you if a couple doesn't get married? Please retrieve the wedding rings from your asses because even if you DO get married I don't believe that is where they belong.

Better get married before he deploys or you and your baby have no protection if God forbid something happens to him. You're better off to be a surviving spouse, as girlfriend with illegitimate baby means Nothing to the military. Sorry, not trying to be mean, just SMART. I was an Army brat and saw alot of situations.


Having a baby before your married? *spits on your corpse*

whoever said they send you home for babies being born is an idiot who doesn't know much about the military....they could give a shit less if your having a baby while theyre gone...

you will be good me and my wife just had a child while i was deployed and now that im back i dont feel like i missed a thing...

It looks like you could use some encouragement, since all the comments here are just bashing the war and attacking the soldiers fighting in it, or condemning you for having a child unmarried. I hope your boyfriend is safe overseas and you have a healthy pregnancy and lots of support from your family and friends.

nynjapyrate 0

I'm so sorry. I went through the exact same thing. hopefully he'll get to come back for the birth tho...

It's your fault for getting knocked up by a military man. He also won't be the same person when he returns, IF he doesn't get killed first. Enjoy!

ARNGwifey 0

i know how you feel. But when he does come back home and sees his baby for the first time none of it will matter. It will be ok just remember the best part of pregnancy is meeting the baby and he will get to do that when he gets home. Good luck and keep your head up.

Do it anyway, it has time to ferment whilst he is away... Yum

arogers117 0

I just went through this.. I was 4 months whenever he left and the baby is already here, but he is coming home to meet him, it's very exciting and I wish you the best, and a safe trip home for him!!! GL!