By AFGirlfriend - 28/03/2011 19:10 - United States

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My boyfriend and I have been dying to have kids together. This would be an exciting moment if he wasn't deploying in June and will miss everything except the morning sickness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 071
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cheeksMcgeeks 3

No, THIS is what is wrong for America. Everyone believing you need to follow every tradition set in place exactly as everyone thinks it should be. Get married then have kids, never the reverse. Marriage is just as susceptible to problems as is being boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe they're completely happy being just "bf/gf." Is it really going to kill you if a couple doesn't get married? Please retrieve the wedding rings from your asses because even if you DO get married I don't believe that is where they belong.

Better get married before he deploys or you and your baby have no protection if God forbid something happens to him. You're better off to be a surviving spouse, as girlfriend with illegitimate baby means Nothing to the military. Sorry, not trying to be mean, just SMART. I was an Army brat and saw alot of situations.


1.get married so that tricare can cover the hospital expenses 2. its the air force we take care of our people once he gets over here tell him to talk to his shirt about a web feed that will be a private chat from a little broom closet over here to the dilivery room for you so he can see it 3. its the air force its not like he is in any real danger ( unless he is in one of what 4 jobs)

when will you people understand....don't get in a relationship with someone in the military!!!!! unless of course you're not going to complain about them being deployed for ***** sake noone wants to hear it...

FYI, for big life events (like a kid being born), the military will send the father back for a bit. Not sure how that works if you're not married though, so time to get down to the courthouse!

You obviously knew he was going to be sent off what kind of dumbass wouldnt expect this. Stop crying about your own ignorance.

countrytrick16 0
loveisforever876 0

happiness is a warm gun. that's all I'm going to say. the reason, the only ******* reason why there is war and conflict is because MAN IS SELFISH. that's the one and only reasonable explanation. say what you want, that's how it is. and as we fight over mindless crap we destroy this earth. but it doesn't matter. soon we will all destroy ourselves.

People should realize how POINTLESS the war in Iraq is.. and also the occupation of Palestine which is funded by the US if you didn't know referring to any dumb asses here, tell me what about the kids stuck in the war? what do they do? Im only 15 years old and I lived in Palestine for 11 years and went through more 'war' then all you soldiers saying your putting your life on the line, I was forced to as a kid to be in war because other countries like to involve themselves with a country that isn't theirs.. I respect you soldiers but look at it from my point of view.

mouras 5

"would be an exciting moment"? it's supposed to be exciting no matter what the circumstances! you wanted ams child and you got one so stop bitching!

I love how everyone just assumes that I am liberal anti-war. what's funny about it is that I am neither, I believe that certain wars are necessary, and I support many conservative ideas. but for some reason the idiots like skyeyez9 and sipher can't seem to figure out that I have given very few opinions, and attempt to attack me personally, proofing they have the same logic skills as a 7 year old. that being said, at least some people are capable of thought: @ theSmileMan, peace is not impossible. I agree that humans are generally wired to harm each other, but there are also people who have overcome that, for example, many buddhist monks. but yes, the point I made at the beginning, that these idiots like to take offense to, is that the wars we are currently engaged in are unnecessary and directing us away from peace. a country that truly wants peace does not engage in other's affairs except when absolutely necessary. instead we should be focused on improving our own country. @ jeeesuuus, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I realize that's going on and that's why I hate sheep like sipher and skyeyez who refuse to think about what's actually going on. thank you for sharing your experience