By AFGirlfriend - 28/03/2011 19:10 - United States

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My boyfriend and I have been dying to have kids together. This would be an exciting moment if he wasn't deploying in June and will miss everything except the morning sickness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 071
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cheeksMcgeeks 3

No, THIS is what is wrong for America. Everyone believing you need to follow every tradition set in place exactly as everyone thinks it should be. Get married then have kids, never the reverse. Marriage is just as susceptible to problems as is being boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe they're completely happy being just "bf/gf." Is it really going to kill you if a couple doesn't get married? Please retrieve the wedding rings from your asses because even if you DO get married I don't believe that is where they belong.

Better get married before he deploys or you and your baby have no protection if God forbid something happens to him. You're better off to be a surviving spouse, as girlfriend with illegitimate baby means Nothing to the military. Sorry, not trying to be mean, just SMART. I was an Army brat and saw alot of situations.


armywife54 0

hang in there! my husband is deployed right now, so I know how you feel :(

This is for all of you military wives and girlfriends. Keep the faith and love your Army or whatever branch your man is in. I deployed 2006-7, Camp Bucca, Iraq as a dentist. And for all of you that are presently deployed, stay safe and come home to your loved ones. To the liberal a-holes, take your crappy arguments against war and keep them to yourself. Your are unworthy to even tie a boot lace for one of our fine men or women serving our great nation.

Just because someone is liberal and against the war doesn't mean they don't have the utmost respect for those in the military. I'm personally against this war, yet I make sure to say thank you to any service man or woman I happen to meet. What those in the military do is selfless and wonderful, and just because I don't agree with the fact that they're fighting doesn't mean that I don't feel a deep gratitude that they're willing to die to protect me and those I love. Oh, and thank you for your service.

dcrider 0

same thing happened to me.. she got pregnant and I had to leave like two weeks later.. it sux missing everything...

the only time you get r&r is if your deployed longer than a year...and air force deployments (if that's what he is) are only like 4 months aren't they? buck up sweetheart...all us military wives do it.

JokeMeister 0

shoulda made him hubby first.

ashb420 0

deal with it.... stupid bitch.

HelenMariee 0

at least he's a good man you can't Blane him for his job.. that is not nice