By Totallyscrewed - 10/02/2013 05:17 - United States - Stroudsburg

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy this past summer after our son was born and only took one of the two tests. I haven't cheated. He refuses to believe me or get his spunk checked again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 532
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste


if he is such an unreasonable twat wait till he knocks up someone else after he idiotically leaves you and watch his life be riddled by guilt and then kick him in the nuts and shout "I told you so"

Have your OB talk to him. I heard this is not uncommon. Eventually, tests will prove you right (and faithful). Hang in there ... if you were him, you'd freak out at first as well

Satoaoi 13

he's an idiot. he needs to use those brain cells and think long and hard about this. who's he gonna trust his loving wife or a machine o.O

Satoaoi 13

he's an idiot. he needs to use those brain cells if he has any and think long and hard about this. who's he gonna trust his loving wife or a machine o.O

I've heard of instances like yours where a couple gets pregnant even if the husband gets vasectomy. Some too with the wife gone being tied.

Simple, you fell on a syringe full of seman that impregnated you. Legit reasoning...

saffy66 34

Take him to the doctor with you to have it all explained. The test may not help as he may be sperm-free now whereas he still had some when he got you pregnant. Tell him that's why they do two tests...

Ew, you call it "spunk". That's a weird word.

Doesn't really matter what he believes. By law, he's the dad until he proves otherwise, vasectomy or not.