By Totallyscrewed - 10/02/2013 05:17 - United States - Stroudsburg

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy this past summer after our son was born and only took one of the two tests. I haven't cheated. He refuses to believe me or get his spunk checked again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 532
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste


Marine2800 2

I had my vasectomy reconnect after 11 years. Have three grown daughters and my son is now nine. It was a shock but I wouldn't change a thing. FYI - a second vasectomy is a nightmare! I knew something was up when they pulled out the chainsaw and the arc welder... 2 1/2 hours on the operating table.

Merridew 8

House, M.D. will help with the situation for sure!

Whatever you do be sure to call the little tyke McGuyver.

The same thing happened to my aunt, and sadly my little cousin is now one and my uncle is still thinking my aunt cheated. One thing doctors fail to tell you is that even when someone has their tubes tied or a vasectomy, there is still a slight chance of pregnancy and the only true way to prevent pregnancy is to get a hysterectomy, which is more painful, has a longer healing time, and comes with some side effects that aren't the greatest.

ShananaginsLOL 13

Congrats! I know it's probably not ideal at the time but your husband will come around

Iniezian 18

Well, babies more often than not seem to come out looking more like their father as some sort of natural paternity test (though it's not always the case), so if that proves to be so, he might reconsider. Alternatively, you can apply for child support and the court will order a paternity test, or just buy a take-home paternity test kit.

itsallbullshit 4

Maybe the baby is the Antichrist

DNA test for sure. If your husband divorces you, you will really be able to stick it to him.