By Totallyscrewed - 10/02/2013 05:17 - United States - Stroudsburg

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy this past summer after our son was born and only took one of the two tests. I haven't cheated. He refuses to believe me or get his spunk checked again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 532
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste


fistsofham 1

Explain he has super sperm that no man can neutralize.

This is EXACTLY why they tell you to not have unprotected sex before you have had TWO clear results. My husband had his snip in Nov after our 3rd baby in May, I'm certainly not taking the chance. It's 50/50 in my book, she's as responsible as he is for ensuring contraception was used. (unless he lied about having had a 2nd negative result, in that case, it's a whole different story....)

hgarza93 3

Must of watched 3D ****. (Google the article)

I know a guy that was born after his mother had her tubes tied, and his father had a vasectomy. Miracles happen:)

erincm87 0

My parents went through this (my dad had gone running 3days after his vasectomy and ripped it back open) needless to say they had their 5th child together and after they divorced he had a 6th child with his new wife... Call his dr to confirm that he could have re-opened it.

erincm87 0

My parents went thru this (my dad went running a few days after the vasectomy), needless to as they now have a 5th child and once they divorced he had a 6th with his new wife. Call his dr and have him call him.

Didn't he listen when he was preparing for the vasectomy? Sometimes they don' take.

JustShootMeFML 32

Good luck in this situation OP. Sorry about your husband. Hopefully he will come around soon to either the child or to his faulty surgery. I would say congratulations about the baby, but the wording in the post and the fact he had the surgery doesn't scream 'happy about a baby,' so I'm sticking to good luck.

downlowjigelow02 11

maybe it was immaculate ooh wait Mary already used that excuse