By Cheyenne - 11/07/2010 06:06 - United States

Today, I found out I'm the only one in my family to wash their hands after they use the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 314
You deserved it 3 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

furryfatblob 0

what do they wash their hands before!?

Aww it's too late. But you COULD always go around with some anti-bacterial soap and ambush their hands randomly.


meli5_fml 0

Guess what, I am too. But my mom doesn't even wash them after scooping dog stuff or cleaning the cat box.

brookiebaby16 1
xalerion 0

108/121 - "I don't know about you guys, but I don't touch my crap or pee when I use the restroom." So much for that statement since you agreed with there being pee and poo particles in the air. As for your response to my reply, way to misquote and be childish while doing so, I believe congratulations are in order. Anyways, when I was referring to the dirtiness of handrails I was attempting to point out that it is obvious that handrails in some/most cases are dirtier, but the use of any public restroom is much worse unless everything is hands free and there are no doors because those items that you would touch would have been touched by the same people. And the occasional perfunctory cleaning hardly deems the washing of hands unnecessary and your bathroom sterile to any extent. I by no means use hand sanitizer every 10 minutes, in fact I rarely use it at all since, (well, I won't go into biology since, from the attitude and maturity level you've exhibited in your response, I doubt you'd attempt to comprehend it but would rather spend the time attempting to come up with a sarcastic or snarky response,) but I always wash my hands before eating and after using the restroom as should most people, if only to help control the spread of disease.

xalerion 0

119 - Theres always some source of germs but you can minimize the amount of germs your coming in contact with. One way to do so is by using paper towels. You mentioned that by turning off the water you come into contact with the germs you had on your hands beforehand, or rather you'd said dirt, but this is true as well. One way to prevent this is when youre done washing your hands, dry them with a paper towel and then use another dry paper towel to turn off the faucet. You do not want to use the paper towel youd used to dry your hands since it is easier for germs and bacteria to pass through it. I find it amusing how people are claiming that the OP is a germophobe but excuse the OP for looking out for his health, you know? From a lot of the comments I've read, we may as well rid ourselves of showers and save water and just focus on dousing ourselves in perfume and the like. I'd rather be with a neat-freak than a slob personally.

that says a lot about your families hygiene.. I feel sorry for anyone unfortunate enough to shake any of your family members hands :(

iareally 1

It's totally gross right! That's how it is here too, I am the only one and maybe my dad. Totally disgusting!