By dtack2tack - 09/07/2015 13:42 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend cheated on me with his boss so he could get a promotion and "provide" for us. This from the guy who made me quit my job because he said he made enough money to support us both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 753
You deserved it 3 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats not someone you should be spending time with. Break up with him

Looks like it's time you went back on the market. Once a cheater always a cheater. Good luck, op.


yeah and I bought a unicorn to fly us to fantasia land.

Phantasialand is actually a nice theme park :)

Don't know the dynamics of your relationship but were you living in the 1950's at the time? Wouldn't you prefer being a power couple and making additional money rather than just getting by on his wage? Not to mention desiring your own independence!

I'm not saying that op was necessarily smart in quitting her job. But I don't think it's ok for us to judge her for not working. Maybe she has other things or hobbies, like volunteering somewhere or is trying to get serious with her painting or something, and was taking this opportunity to focus all her time on that. Just because she wasn't working, it doesn't necessarily mean that she sat on the couch all day watching tv. Plus, by her choice of words, "made me," it sounds like her boyfriend may have been controlling (possibly even abusive) and she was scared of what would happen if she didn't do as he said. Again, not saying it's right or smart, but we shouldn't judge her.

qdawg06 23

Excuses so he could have sex withe boss is more like it.

Ok that sucks yeah, but are you 15? He made you quit?

Chances are she's young. That's one way abusers operate. They target young, naive people who don't know any better. The average abuse victim of between the ages of 18 and 22.

You don't need him in your life. He's an ass

This is completely unacceptable. I hope you congratulated him on also getting the position of single.

RedPillSucks 31

she doesn't deserve her boyfriend cheating on her.

No one deserves to be manipulated and betrayed. It's easy to cast judgement when when you've never been through something like this. The truth is, that this sort of relationship is easier to fall into than most people realize, and the only reason many people haven't experienced it is because they've been fortunate enough not to have encountered someone who behaves this way.

dukez81 17

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, if only my boss was that way, I'd sue the shyt out of the company and really "provide" for my family

ihavenolifehaha 16

Nobody can make you quit your job. You chose to. YDI.

It sounds like her boyfriend was controlling and possibly even abusive. She may have been scared of what he'd do if she didn't listen. She definitely doesn't deserve to be cheated on. No one does.

You shouldn't have quit your job, pal. It's a bad idea to do that when you're married, let alone dating.