By knolan - 20/07/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend has checked every girl he has ever slept with for 'vagina teeth'. I'm apparently no exception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 405
You deserved it 5 818

Same thing different taste


I saw the movie teeth and I had nightmares for 5 days and each time I'd wake up screaming I was 15

Beautifulyevil 0

Look up the movie teeth on Netflix and you will understand horrible horrible movie.

Herropreez17 0

He must have seen the movie Blade. one of the vampires have teeth in their ****** and uses them to "turn" people.

Thats actually a twisted hrror mivie called teeth. The girl bites. Its ******* demented

poiuyloopy 0

This grosses me out every time I see it. -.-

EsteeCee 4

I thought this was from Blade?