By Anonymous - 19/01/2010 07:58 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me for six months with my best friend of five years. After asking him what she had that I didn't, he responded with one word - "Boobies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 868
You deserved it 4 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have boobies? Not even one? What did you do with them? They couldn't have just walked off on their own. Quick, find them and maybe he'll take you back or you'll find a better guy. They're always in the last place you look.

The only question there should have been was what address should his shit be shipped to? Never compare yourself to another female because he decided to cheat. Self confidence is key, lacking that is probably why he cheated in the first place...


anela_fml 0

I know it's not coventional but have the best sex you and the bf ever had I'm mean really have fun with it then just get up and walk away for good you'll have fun and he'll learn what he missed out on. remember don't say anything don't look at him just walk away

how is that showing him? you cant guilt trip/try to make guyslike him sorry for cheating on her, he will just enjoy the free sex then move onto the next girl

Fon't look at the negatives here. Focus on the obvious positives. You're a matchmaker for attractive people.

urlifesfked 0

sorry OP but boobies are a nice add-on :)

There is nothing wrong with asking questions like that! The real problem is the guy

I think it's normal to ask questions like that, you always wonder "WHYYYYY?!" it's just one way of putting it. And boobies is a very lame excuse for cheating, you're clearly better off.

tbh i have experienced nice boobies first hand and theyre good. i prefer arse over **** as well, but a nice pair of **** always catchs my eye

I guess he's a boob-guy. Minus the guy part. :p

isitofficial_ 0

aw, poor you :( but hey, your ex-bestfriend is going to be unlucky because she got into a relationship with a guy who cheated on her bestfriend! and she's also unlucky because your ex could cheat on your ex-bestfriend! its bound to happen because its happened to you. there's something called karma!