By anon - 25/10/2010 05:42 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend watches porn. Specifically, today, while I was in the shower. In the next room. We were alone in the house and he still chose porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 732
You deserved it 7 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least it wasn't gay ****....was it?

Sad. Really, this is sad. I'm thinking, why didn't you invite him in the shower, but maybe you did and he refused. Sad. There is nothing wrong with watching **** in a relationship. There is something wrong if the **** becomes more important than sex/the relationship itself.


joekr 0

maybe you should stop complaining and get naked for him..

guys watch ****. dorsnt really matter if theres a willing female in the house. learn from this and watch it with him next.

Just a piece of advice op, suck his dick before your next shower and if he still chooses **** over you at least you will know it's you and not him.

Dynoblaze 1

well what kind of ****? unless it's gay or snuff/rape **** don't worry. also start something. don't expect Hinton always start.

first of all way to waste a perfect opportunity, shame on you. why wouldn't you grab your bfs attention since you had the house to yourselves and do a little sexy strip tease for him an ask him to join you in the shower. Take control sometimes, get your bf interested in you and off the computer. Men are visual so give him something to look at and arouse him if not then he's just going to keep watching **** if you don't spice things up!!

Shaggy_92 5

stop bitchin bout it on hop on that

**** is awesome, get over it. you should try watching it sometime.. I'm a female who loves ****. :)

monnanon 13

If this is the only time he has chosen over you then I wouldn't worry It is more likely that he decided to give you peace to shower than actually choosing it over you. Don't take it to heart, as long as he isn't turning you down for sex when you are actively pursuing it then its perfectly normal. everyone likes to service themselves now and then no matter how good their partner is.

alicia_was_here 3

if you talk to him about how it bothers you and he cares enough about your feelings on **** then he will stop. i know if my boyfriend watched **** while we're in a relationship it would bother me, but we've had talks how he is usually thinking about me when he masturbates, and if we cant have sex he doesnt even like to ********** unless its with me on the web cam. some guys just need to watch **** though. not all guys are like this thankfully, and its a lucky thing to find one who would rather think about you over a **** star (:

You're naive. You really think he's thinking about you when he's jacking off to ****? No. Men are visual, so he's thinking about what he's seeing. He's only saying that to make you feel better. I know you may get a little pissy with me for even saying this, but in most cases, it's the truth. This does not mean, though, that he's comparing you and admiring them more. Not all guys are vocal about what they do and when they do it, so, like most men, he's probably just hiding it from you so you aren't bothered. I speak from experience, and I know many with the same experience. Yours may be different, but I highly doubt it.

alicia_was_here 3

its true that he could be lying, but it seems less likely since he was the one who originally brought it up. besides, men are visual like you said, and like i said we usually like to watch each other on web cam, which is a bit like ****, except its more personal. why do you assume id get pissy about what you said? the only way id get upset is if you assume you know everything about his thoughts on this subject, which you dont. i like hearing other people comment on what i say. and you could be wrong or right, but i have enough trust in him to believe its true unless he proves me otherwise.

Why do I assume you'd get pissy? Because people don't like comments that oppose their beliefs. Thank you for being open to the idea. If he was the one that brought it up, that does make it more likely. You're also right where you mentioned that it's still possible that he is lying. There's a difference between watching **** (unknown people) and going on webcam with your SO for a sexy show. On another note, it's nice to see that there are people out there who accept other views and who trust their SOs. Most people don't understand that it's stupid to yell "OMG CHEATER" at the slightest thing.