By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 07:16 - United States

Today, I learned that my boyfriend waits 'til I am asleep to wack off to porn on the internet. We haven't had sex in months because he doesn't want to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 067
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucky_Adi 0

has he been looking at gay ****?

mattgotest2 0

He's obviously become obssesed and needs help. It's not necessarily you.


wow your life sucks, I wonder what it is your not doing.

sexyandboard 0

he's either gay or ur not that hot.... either way tsk tsk

mattgotest2 0

He's obviously become obssesed and needs help. It's not necessarily you.

itsgen 16

Yeah i agree too, because what guy would say no to sex? And go on the internet for basically watching other people do it when he can be doing it

Your boyfriend is addicted to pornography. OP, Get out NOW!

ambrz 0

maybe that's his away of telling you something :/ sorry about your situation though...

dangletsbang21 0

oh wow, you guys need to have a long discussion. that totally sucks.

wow... get rid of his ass. I dealt with the same shit and once I finally found out, I was gone.

To #8-If you think you'll ever find a man that doesn't ********** then (1) you're extremely naive & (2) you might as well be a lesbian.

whoisthisgirl 4

I think she was just talking about ****. guys who have girlfriends who are willing to have sex should not be watching **** when he could be making it~

I don't think it's the **** or the masturbating... It's the fact that OP wants to have sex but her boyfriend would rather jack off.

dannnngthatsux 19

100, sometimes just a wack is way easier than having to worry about the other person. That's sometimes. And there could also be a bit of fear, if he's not been very good in bed, why try? It's a crappy answer but depending on the past, it could fit. Or he could be an $&@hole.

That's ridiculous, what kind of guy does that

Ones who aren't excited with their sex life. She needs to step up her game and if that doesn't work, no hope. Separate.

he needs sex therapy and you need a new man.