By Jumja - 15/01/2010 11:37 - Netherlands

Today, I found out my boyfriend's mother has invented a new kind of cake and named it after me: not because it's delicious, but because of the amount of fat in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 217
You deserved it 5 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mshelburn324 0

I don't see the problem. Whether you're fat or not, cake is AWESOME!!! You should feel special to be named after the best food of all time.


Lard-Ass-Cake? What ever would you frost it with?

mshafty 0

So your obviously self conscious about how fat you are already and your BF's mom made fun of you about it.... Well that has to be the icing on the cake!

should be telling you to go to the gym then huh?

Pound cake? Thats not named after you, youre just being self conscious

omg I assume the cake had bacon bits on them instead of candy sprinkles!~ nom nom nom!!

I think we're forgetting to ask the obvious question here; why would she purposefully make a fatty cake? :/

I'd rather have a pie named after me. Pie is the best. Lose some weight and smile more often.