By blehhx - 09/04/2011 05:32 - United States

Today, I found out my cat is allergic to ME. No kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 003
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In capitalist America, cat allergic to YOU!

if it poops indoors just cuddle with it for a punishment.


aminel 0

meow get the f**** away from me because I'm allergic to u and I will scratch ur face off meow

95- You have a 11 cats and you pic is of Justin Beiber, its people like you that male me cry at night.

have 11* your* make* freaking autocorrect

hahahahahahaha <3 that's just all bad.

it's only a cat ! get rid of it !!!!

#104 A facepalm won't cut it for a fail of that magnitude..... *facepunch*

Cuntluv 0

hahah is it possible to be allergic to oneself?