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By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 00:53 - United States

Today, I was attending a drug-free lecture at school. The speaker said, "There are many ways to quit smoking. You can try patches, gum, or even quitting cold turkey. Any questions?" I raised my hand, and she called on me. I asked, "How does cold turkey help?" And then I realized. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 171
You deserved it 40 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cold turkey helps because it's yummy. You'll be too busy eating it to smoke.

Isn't the whole point of School that you ask a question when you don't know something? I'm sorry, but you sound like an idiot. What will this person learn by NOT asking questions? Regardless, they actually did say "And then I realised" so they obviously figured it out anyway.


dkhere 0

Hhaha, awesome! I would so do that.

The thing is, if OP realized her mistake as soon as she stopped talking, she could have simply said she didn't believe cold turkey is an effective method for quitting.

LOL :'D How embarrassing. How did the students around you react?

v1kt4r 13

i think their reactions are the reason for the F in the FML

probably the same way i did - full on laughing attack

Heh, I remember thinking the same thing the first time I heard that expression. It's a pretty bizarre saying if you think about it.

yeah why do they makeup all these stupid phrases

Stay in school. Clearly you need to learn a few things. Like when to shut up.

Isn't the whole point of School that you ask a question when you don't know something? I'm sorry, but you sound like an idiot. What will this person learn by NOT asking questions? Regardless, they actually did say "And then I realised" so they obviously figured it out anyway.

Juliette_SHANK 0

agreed. sometimes kids dont know things bc they are too embarrassed to ask

Idk why all the hate, I found you're comment hilarious

Cold turkey helps because it's yummy. You'll be too busy eating it to smoke.

RachaelQ 0
Moo_Horse 0

but they said quit col turkey so you wont have any turkey and will then die of lung cancer shortly after from the lack of delicious turkey in your eveyday diet.

"I could quit the gym cold turkey, then eat the cold turkey!"

Eh..not everyone gets expressions or knows them all. That being said *yawn*

Squadoosh 0

I'm sure that was embarrassing in front of the whole student body. Simple mistake, but I'm sure they all laughed at you.

wscr 0

for the ignorant, purpose of cold turkey aims to delay the 1st stick for as loooong as possible. Usually this delay is taken a step further : "Smoke on weekends only" So one basically stays off the fags for 5 days then "TGIF!!" starts all over again. The problem is very heavy and addicted smokers will get an "outburst", meaning they can try and hold out their suppression, but come the weekend they smoke their entire week's intake over the 2 days. Which defeats the purpose. Cold turkey works better for very very light smokers, ~1-4 sticks a day. Once you're beyond the half-pack-a-day mark, then turning into a light smoker should help first, then cold turkey.

It's not that the OP is ignornant its that they had a momentary brain lapse that resulted in very public embarassment. It says 'and then I realized' which means she knows what cold turkey means so the interesting explanation of the term was not needed.

Ummm yea, wscr wasn't calling the op ignorant he was saying "for the ingnorant" as in "FYI for people who are misinformed on this site blah blah blah"

girlygirl666 0

"for the ignorant"....I'm guessing you're speaking to yourself since you are obviously "ignorant" to what this expression means. Educate yourself before you pompously misinform others.

Haha, wow, wscr, you clearly have no idea what quitting cold-turkey is!

quiting cold turkey isnt spacing out your habbit to weekends, it means to stop something all together, with no replacements, just deciding "i wont smoke anymore" , then actually sticking with it, is cold turkey

DUH, you plaster it to your forehead and it helps keep you calm, doesn't everyone know that? And your dog will pay attention to you again.

I didn't I thought you put cold turkeys over your hands like oven mits. No wonder I couldn't quit.