By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 06:07 - United States

Today, I found out my dad ate my pet rabbit two years ago. He said he ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 349
You deserved it 4 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow... eating rabbits is normal but eating your childs beloved pet rabbit is SICK! the fact he ate the pet his daugther had cuddled and loved and would have hated to see die..... killing your kids pet is plain sick nomatter where ó_ò


NO! You share! (karate yelling) *If anyone doesnt understand this, its from family guy*

QueenPeppermint 7

Man my family is about to start raising meat rabbits... That's effed though... eating a pet...

Next time don't name your pet rabbit Stu, and he may not become lunch.

Next time don't name your pet rabbit Stu, and he just might not become lunch.

nerdwithagun 0

Beat the shit out of your dad.

Any missing women in the area. I smell potential serial killer. ;)