By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 06:07 - United States

Today, I found out my dad ate my pet rabbit two years ago. He said he ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 354
You deserved it 4 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow... eating rabbits is normal but eating your childs beloved pet rabbit is SICK! the fact he ate the pet his daugther had cuddled and loved and would have hated to see die..... killing your kids pet is plain sick nomatter where ó_ò


varkey 7

WTF? he ATE it?? That's messed up FYL

brighteyes81 0

Seriously? Yes, the trama from dad eating the chocolate bunny and telling his son that his chocolate Easter bunny candy ran away made it to FML...

brighteyes81 0

with this crappy economy anything is fair game. yum yum!

Fair "game"...hehe. I see what you did there.

#10, I live in the south and I've never eaten any type of rabbit, possum or "hunted" meat. we aren't all rednecks.

You've never had hunted meat? o= I've never had possum, or rabbit, but deer sure is yummy.(: But seriously, eating your child's pet? What the crap? You sir, are heartless.

what the ****? how redneck do you have to be to go "well huntings a bitch i'll just take my kids rabbit and cook it up for dinner!"

Jenn_the_hen 0

My family has a story similar to that. My grandparents on my father's side were Italian and one of the things they ate on occasion was rabbit. When my aunt was young they got her two rabbits as pets. They ended up keeping the two rabbits that were my aunts and raising the younger rabbits as food.

djxtones 0

See that is ok. Even though they ate rabbits, they didn't eat the pets. That is what is so messed up about this post.

Rutaba 0

I'm my dad did that to me bunny I'd die

When I was younger, I had a dream that my mom ate my hermit crabs. I think your story just a little bit worse