By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 18:19 - United States

Today, I found out my dad spent most of the $500 I earned from mowing lawns on an Xbox 360 for himself. He was the one who encouraged me to put the money in the bank for college and to learn responsibility. I'm 14 years old. He's 37. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 958
You deserved it 2 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See if it's possible to locate the receipt and return it. Otherwise, sell it and pocket the money.


audi00 0

sell it and get at least 350 and hide ur money in ur own bank account

yes, you did earn that money for yourself, but if you demand a refund for your money, your dad'll just say "sorry, but if you want your 500 dollars back ill charge you money for rent and food" still want your money back?

Mrninjaturtle 0

I'd ****** beat the shit out of my dad for that man he took ur hard earned money and spent it so after I beat his ass take the XBOX

i'd destroythe xbox and take 500$ out of his wallet ;)

ironwolf56 5

Wait until you're 18 and your stepfather spends the ~30 grand you had from working lots of shifts in your part-time job on a brand new Harley...and you find this out 2 weeks before you were supposed to start college.

fattu4554 2

Wow. Why would people put YDI? He deserves it for having a lazy thief of a dad? He deserves it because he mowed approx. 100 lawns and gets rewarded by getting it stolen from him? He deserves it because he saved his money for something sensible like an education? FYL. I'm 12, by the way. Idiots, reply away.

Dude, really? You get payed $5 to mow a lawn? Someone is really taking you for a ride.

jason2468 0

ydi never put the money in a bank account wen under someones jurisdiction

redbeater 5

What's sad is that many parents do that.

yaa seriously i thought most ppl wer 16+