By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 18:19 - United States

Today, I found out my dad spent most of the $500 I earned from mowing lawns on an Xbox 360 for himself. He was the one who encouraged me to put the money in the bank for college and to learn responsibility. I'm 14 years old. He's 37. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 946
You deserved it 2 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See if it's possible to locate the receipt and return it. Otherwise, sell it and pocket the money.


jennifermm1986 0

learn to hide your money quick. but yeah it sucks to be living under the roof or your dad.

BRiANNE123 0

Okay you guys. Seriously? I'm 13 years old and I think that you older people are being immature. Is this "readable" enough for you dummies? Obviously none of you have anything better to do than get on here and discriminate. Since you are all being rude, kid, I'm sorry that your dad used your hard earned money.

Talk to your father about it. Do not break it, steal it, or anything else. It only makes it worse. Oh and for your information to the people who say 14 year olds should get off the Internet, I am 13 and look at my spelling! I am also doing this on an Ipod Touch that I earned myself! Teenagers can be just as good as adults! A couple of bad eggs apparently means that the whole generation is that way.

Wow. You have one cruel father. Okay, I recommend removing the money you have left in the back account, and cancelling the account. Then talk/yell at your dad, and "fix" the xbox. He really deserves it. Also, I, a 13 year old, has used the internet since I was 6 (not an exaggeration), and know more about computer programming that my IT teachers. I, along with the rest of my generation, have not known a life without the Internet, and I think we should bloody well know how to use it!

BRiANNE123 0

oh yeah guys. we soooo kicked their butts lol. rock on 13 year olds!

infernalpuppet 0

god damn grammar Nazis! eat this! tooday ai whalcked two tha stor too by sum milc. unfortanatly thay where out. zo I cum bax too mai hose too reed sum fmlz wen I nowticd dat yu where ahl currecting speelling sew I thot Ide pizz yu of wit dis! lawl :D ohwnded

infernalpuppet 0

but honestly do you people get off (****) from correcting spelling? if you are so smart then you should be able to translate such heinous (omg possibly a spelling mistake there) crime as using your instead of you're and vice versa. seriously it's like you guys are on a mission, calm your selves

tell ur mom ndntake the xbox back nd get a refund. if that dnt work bug the shit out yo dad till ur 18. make gis life a livin hell for stealing frm his own child.

tell your dad to suck it, steal the xbox and either keep it or return it. if that doesnt work, tell him your mom she owes you five hundred bucks