By madisonnnnnn - 13/02/2016 01:38 - United States - Parker

Today, I found out my doctor misdiagnosed my kidney stones as constipation. Now, I'm shitting like crazy from the laxatives that he gave me, and I also have to pass a kidney stone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 881
You deserved it 1 310

madisonnnnnn tells us more.

Hi OP here! Even though I had an x-Ray, the stones did not show up. Since the pain was abdominal and I hadn't pooped in a few days my doctor assumed it was constipation and gave me laxatives. However I am not constipated I did pass the horribly painful kidney stones.

Top comments

Hyperpwner 9

OP I wish you the best of luck, no one likes either of those things.


I'm so sorry, OP. How painful! I hope you feel better very soon! I wouldn't wish either things on anybody! :(

if you're male, that is supposed to be as painful as giving birth. ouch

Why did you specify the "if you're male" part? Kidney stones don't cause more pain to men than women.

They kinda do actually, longer urinary tract

They actually don't, kidney stones move from the kidney to bladder. If you're thinking of bladder stones then yes, you're correct- 3" versus 8-10" for women and men.

As 43 said, kidney stones are considered passed once they enter the bladder. They don't cause pain as they travel through the urethra.

Oh **** your life man that has got to be painful!

I really feel your pain. I'm a guy who's typically said to have a very high pain threshold; something I've even been told my paramedics. However, when I had to deal with kidney stones last year, I was curled up in a hospital bed in tears. Having the thought of having to go through that while keeping tabs on over-active bowels does not sound fun at all.

sorry to hear that. I had them once, they really suck.

As a nurse I'd like to know why they didn't do a ultrasound and a ct scan because the pain from constipation and kidney stones are two completely different kinds of pain. I've had surgery twice for obstructing kidney stones so I know what kind of pain it causes. I'd say the hospital you went to sucks. If you have the choice of another hospital in you're area I'd go there next time you have a problem. I'm sorry they didn't catch it that pain is horrible, it's comparable to childbirth.

If they tolerate pain very well, the doctor may have not taken them seriously and just went with the easiest fix, but why no scan was done baffles me. I got an ultrasound to rule out kidney stones at 14 during a bladder infection, they ordered that for the next day, scan was the first thing that the doctor said they'd do, just in case.

Cherry83_fml 3

been there. I was misdiagnosed with colitis when I actually had stones. they finally believed me when I came back in vomiting from pain. the 2nd doc said he didn't know why the other doc said colitis because he could see the kidney stones clear as day on the x-rays I took during the first visit.

Kidney stones are terrible. Already had two surgeries so far. I hope they never come back.