By cheated - 11/03/2010 12:50 - Australia

Today, I found out my ex boyfriend who recently cheated on me and broke up with me for another girl, has herpes. Guess how I found out? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 253
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually really sad. I feel for people who STDs from someone they trust.

#2 makes me hate all of those girls who think ALL men are pricks


wrong. it's stupid bc she says annoying unnecessary things. Go join a grammar blog snicker, you will be more appreciated on there.

The question marks kind of like "Wanna guess ___?" Just without the wanna.

if he was her boyfriend and she was on bc then not a huge deal if he doesn't wrap his junk. but the fact that he went outside the relationship to get some action, not good. sorry to say about all the negative posts about premarital sex, I'm a firm believer you have to test drive before you buy.

thekeymastervinz 0

You ma'am are an idiot. Herpes is the most likely STI to catch while using a condom. If you cared to look it up rather than making an assumption, you would have realized that. Check your facts before criticizing someone's grammar.

Kockdiesel 0

**** off dickersnoodle! who wants to wait until they're married for sex, just to find out there is no sexual chemistry? if u ever get married, you man will be miserable, because you're an ugly bitch and probably a dead lay.

katrinasomething 0

How do you know Snickerdoodles isn't married? Apparently she is an English teacher so she is the correct age for it... Oh, and to the people who say that Snickerdoodles is unpopular: why then on most of her posts does she have at least 3-5 people expressing their love of her posts? Keep it up, Snickerdoodles. :) As long as you're grammatically correct as you edit the posts, you're fine with me.

I'm not a snickerdoodle fan or anything, but I think it's a little odd for you to say something so hateful towards her, yet you're so freakishly obsessed that you're username is her name plus "is" after it. Anyway, truest FML I've seen in a while. Her day isn't just ******, her whole like is. While I agree that she may have deserved it if she was practicing unsafe sex, her life is still ******.

ThuhBoss 0

I guess you can say she's popular, but for the wrong reasons. I'd rather be a no one on FML then Snickerdoodles.