By cheated - 11/03/2010 12:50 - Australia

Today, I found out my ex boyfriend who recently cheated on me and broke up with me for another girl, has herpes. Guess how I found out? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 253
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually really sad. I feel for people who STDs from someone they trust.

#2 makes me hate all of those girls who think ALL men are pricks


angelkissezxox 3

wow bickerdoodles, you say she should have known before she had sex with him well obviously you dont know thibgs can get pretty heated up and your not thinking about if they have herpes or not, but of cource since u couldnt geta bf you wouldnt know

shut the **** up niggadoodles. every1 here actually really hates u, and ur posts ruin the laughing at the fml for me u ho. and who really waits for sex after marriage? we all want sex now and idc if I don't use condom and condoms don't always work and they can break, dumbass. Jesus u r so ugly too, u look like someone at my school who is a loser, seriously u actually look like her, might not be surprised if ur her mom, but seriously I hate u so much, get off fml

diaf or in a car wreck. you're the most stuck up and ignorant poster on fml. I loathe you.

OMFG you actually created an FML account specifically to flame a 16 year old girl! You need to go to the nearest clinic and sterilize yourself. You've failed the "Part of the human race" test.

ishankedyourcat 0
iluvfood3000 0
Blue_Coconuts 7

Snickerdoodle is like 15 isn't she?

feverinurbeaver 0

I like to have monkey doodle sex.

Monikabug 9

@89, 16 according to her profile, and so what? Most of her comments have more substance than 80% of every other comment on this website. Snick is witty and clever and the only reason people mess with her is to try and one-up her, in other words, just to be a troll. :)

She's 16 and definitely not married. This whole no condom argument is bull. It helps prevent catching it, not eliminate the risk. STDs are among the reasons abstinence exists, so I can't feel sorry for OP here. Stop sleeping with people and pay attention to people trying to help you.