By IrisKitty - 18/08/2015 07:07 - United States - Englewood

Today, I found out my grandma sleeps in the nude. I witnessed her running naked from her bedroom to the bathroom, because she "didn't have enough time" to put on her robe. I need to get my own place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 769
You deserved it 6 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just run & walk around naked, you need to show your dominance.

websphere69 27

Oh yes they call her the streak!


You can never look at Grandma's cookies the same again.

The fact that you know she "didn't have enough time" tells me you had a quite interesting conversation with granny. . Maybe just a tad bit awkward, especially if eye contact was made during said incident

At least you are a girl...but you are living in a house not a locker room... what. having lived with my grandma years ago, looking back I can only be grateful. nudity is not gross, its natural. be happy you have somewhere to live. ydi

meliodafool_ 15

natural, but not always welcomed.

How the hell does OP deserve that? Nobody wants to see their grandma naked.

did I say I was ungreatful? I can be greatful while being highly uncomfortable with the fact that I saw her naked!

Were her knees knocking her nips as she ran?

If you're still living with your grandma, then YDI. Get your own place. Since you have to be 18 to be on FML, you should have your own place or don't complain.

You realize how hard it is to gain enough financial stability to do that nowadays?

Have your own place at 18? Where the **** do you live lol, because I sure as hell know in CT that's damn near impossible.