By IrisKitty - 18/08/2015 07:07 - United States - Englewood

Today, I found out my grandma sleeps in the nude. I witnessed her running naked from her bedroom to the bathroom, because she "didn't have enough time" to put on her robe. I need to get my own place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 769
You deserved it 6 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just run & walk around naked, you need to show your dominance.

websphere69 27

Oh yes they call her the streak!


Well, it is her house. So she's allowed to be in the nude. She probably had to go really bad and didn't have enough time to get her robe. Hopefully you won't have to witness that again.

yes. her house, her rules... but if she had to go so bad and didn't have enough time to put on her robe...why didn't she just use the bathroom that's in her room. This is a really nice question that I did not want to ask. considering she was naked.

Goblin182 26

I saw my granny naked once, had an uncontrollable urge to iron everything for months.

Sounds like you've just answered your own problem.

now imagine. how would you feel if you happened to do the same thing wwhen you got old and your grandson made an FML about it, wishing he had his own place where he wouldn't have to bother with your shit

Well ...considering she has a bathroom in her own room. If that was the case, then I'd be OKAY with it. I don't think it'd be very logical nor considerate for me to do what she did? knowing that he was sitting right there by the bathroom that ISN'T in my room. Just saying.

backdoorman010 9

I guess you should move out if you don't like it

I think I'll need brainbleach after reading that...