By 19collegestudentandpregant - 26/09/2014 22:07 - United States - Loretto

Today, I found out my parents are divorcing and my mom is moving out. I'm 11 weeks pregnant. Breaking the news should be fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 729
You deserved it 7 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The divorce is between your parents. It has nothing to do with you. If your parents are any good they'll help you through it no matter whether they're together or not.

#1 - If they stay together just because of the pregnancy, chances are it won't be good for anyone :/


"Breaking the news", sounds like the baby was unexpected or unwanted.

Laurenlou 24

Having children should be a joyus and wonderful thing regardless of the child being planned or unplanned! OP, if you think you cannot handle having a child, start the adoption process now. Find a couple who want children but cannot have any, and who will love the child! If possible, go through a private adoption agency that is reputable able caring. If you want to raise the child yourself, you can research organizations that would help you out by giving you free formula, diapers, child care during class hours, etc. The organizations are out there. You just have to search them up on the internet! I'm praying for you, OP!

rocker_chick23 27

You mean CPC's? They are nothing but fake clinics who don't give a shit about women. They only give away a package of diapers, formula, or a blanket once every few months and only if you convert to Christianity. Not to mention they will try to bully you into putting your baby up for adoption even if you want to keep it. When I went to one to get a free pregnancy test, I was called a ***** and was told I was going to be a horrible mother because I wasn't married when I conceived my son. Then they tried to tell me to put him up for adoption so he could have a good Christian upbringing. Yeah, they totally care about women and the child.

That doesn't surprise me at all, 81. When I went with my friend who had an abortion, there was a counselor who made sure she wasn't being coerced into anything and made sure she knew all her options, including adoption and getting financial assistance if she wanted to continue the pregnancy, which she did not. From the sounds of things, Planned Parenthood sounds a lot better about explaining your options for actually becoming a parent.

rocker_chick23 27

#82: Planned Parenthood helped my friend when she wanted to abort. They went through her options and she decided to carry to term instead and now has a beautiful 4 month old baby girl. I hate when people say Planed Parenthood is an abortion mill and hates babies.

Good for her for making a decision based on all the factors! My friend was quite certain about what she needed to do before, during, and after, but I thought it was great that women who maybe aren't as set in their child-free ways as my friend and I get to learn the full range of options available to them.

Should've just dropped the bomb right then and there

brendejafulable 41

Congrats! Try not to worry about it, it's tough, but it may very well be for the better for them both. And you never know how things will end up, anyway - it's still only a plan. Just keep as calm as you can for yourself and the baby, that's your main priority right now :)

Of course they're going to be angry. They have every right to be angry. They probably saved up all that money for you to go to college and get an education, and now you're going to have to drop out/ take a lot of time off/get your parents to look after the baby pretty much all day after all of that, and they're going to have to spend even MORE money on you. YDI. Please be more careful and use protection with sex after you've had the baby. There's no excuse.

As I'm sure you already know, no method of birth control is 100% effective. Obviously it's unlikely that you'll get pregnant while using protection properly, but not impossible. There are a significant number of women who get pregnant even when using some form of birth control. OP could easily be one of those women.

kingdomgirl94 29

Besides, you're working under the assumption that OP is dependent on her parents and that they've been paying for her to go to school. Honestly, most people I know are paying for school themselves and aren't getting help from their parents, myself included. Yeah this isn't great but don't assume that OP is some whiney dependent brat.

91- I agree with most of what you just said, but just because someone's parents pays for them to go to school, that doesn't necessarily make them a "whiny dependent brat".

May I point out your name is college student why are you pregnant

Clearly, because she had sex. She's 19. I think at this age, OP is probably mature enough to be making her own choices about whether she has sex or not. I'll also point out it's entirely possible that she was using protection.

YDI. 19 means you just graduated high school. College on top of that means you just started college. Obviously, you weren't planning on finishing college (or you'd have used a condom). Or you just weren't planning at all. Sorry to sound like an arse about this, but I have no sympathy for you unless this was planned or you were using protection and it failed.