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By anonymous - 06/11/2010 21:08 - Canada

Today, I found out that a street performer makes more money than I do. I have a full time job at the bank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 432
You deserved it 4 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being a street performer takes talent. Maybe train and/or find another job that takes talent?

I'm very sorry to hear that, OP. That must be rough. I really feel for you. Now shut the **** up, get an advanced degree, and make something of yourself so you don't have to complain here. In the time it took you to write this FML, you could have applied for college or a masters degree.


The OP just WORKS in the bank. How the hell are they screwing the economy? Idiot!

phreshboi 1

I'm guessing he's the janitor at the bank?

fire jugglers have every right to earn more than you, when was the last time you ate and twirled fire?

some of those people make 40 bucks an hour easy. it is a proffesionals for some that aren't even poor.

too bad autofill would have spelled profession correctly

Moral of the story is, quit your job and learn to play 6 instruments at once.

49, don't you re-read your comment before you send it? Don't blame auto-fill jeeze.

Being a street performer takes talent. Maybe train and/or find another job that takes talent?

Don't train, just contact Ben Affleck and show him a detailed map of the bank + vault code/key.

KissTheAngel 3

What if OP has NO talent whatsoever???? THEN WHAT?!?!?!?!

Must be a very talented street performer

YDI for being a working member of society

And, if you're not some 12 year old, what might your job be?!?

Well obviously you have a dumb job and are dumb enough to keep it. YDI

How is banking a dumb job? Depending on her position, she may have licenses and degrees. I find your comment ignorant.

What do you expect from a 10 year old? He'll figure it out later in life. In the meantime let him enjoy his milk and cookies every night, and $5 allowance every week.

35 i totally agree. you made my day :)

Wow you bitches need to hop off his nuts. Maybe that's an old picture and he looks older than 10 in that. So I find your statement ignorant that he is too young to know anything. Pshhh bitches these days... always trying to find some shit to nag bout.

72 you're so right. I think those bitches need to change their tamps

#72 do me a favor and go kill yourself you simple minded bitch. I stand by my comment, and if you don't like it then kindly **** off. Looks like you're the one that's gargling on #6 balls.

KissTheAngel 3

Lol lots of entertainers make more money than you :P But at least you're making money, and hopefully enough to support yourself.

man that sucks to hear. I'm glad I'm no longer a business major.

I'm very sorry to hear that, OP. That must be rough. I really feel for you. Now shut the **** up, get an advanced degree, and make something of yourself so you don't have to complain here. In the time it took you to write this FML, you could have applied for college or a masters degree.

zkchild 0

Man your comment just gave me whiplash lol nicely done Doc.

amayaa_fml 7

bhahahhaha, man this really made me laugh

You do know that in this economy, and advanced degree is just making people become poor as all it does is cost more money for "teaching" and you're still not even close to guaranteed a good job

My advanced degree is "MD." That counts as an advanced degree last I checked. I have more job security than I know what to do with. Check your facts before you make ludicrous statements, friend.

Ever heard of humility. Calm the **** down