By MakeMeASandwich - 10/06/2011 05:01 - United States

Today, I found out that as a supervisor, if you reprimand a female worker and end the conversation with, "Now get back to making sandwiches," your boss will consider it sexism and suspend you. I work at Subway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 338
You deserved it 8 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

How sexist of them to assume that because you are male you are sexist.


mismonroe 0

How sexist of them to assume that because you are male you are sexist.

Turn it around on them, that's what I always do.

mismonroe 0
dvdp112 0

^^ you got good sandwich making hands I can tell..

mismonroe 0

Only because I really like sammiches.

AttucisFinch 0

Sandwich comments and your profile says eat me. Ummm... I'd eat you?

TylersMB 0

having "eat me" on your profile is a little dangerous lol

ABRxyeah 0

she's gonna have 40 year old creepers stalking her

monnanon 13

LOL come on OP we know you would have said it regardless of the job you do :) Nah im only kidding, maybe it was one of those taken out of context moments.

jackiemoonthepro 5

bet she can handle a mean footlong ;)

salvorican 24

If a tree falls on a woman would anyone be able to hear? The answer is no because there are no trees in the kitchen :D

I don't think we need to worry about a bonsai tree falling on a woman. Unless its a little woman.

a woman walks into the forest. but the question is what is a forest doing in the kitchen?

a man runs over a woman in his car, who's fault was it? well, why was the man driving in the kitchen? YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

AttucisFinch 0

There we go. I like a woman that can join in the fun instead of getting all bitchy about it. Thumbs up!

Usually we get "bitchy" when the sexist jokes are bad, which they most often are. This is a good one though.

why are women bad drivers? because there is no road from the bedroom to the kitchen.

-Favourites- Did you call them sammiches? That might've been why.

Thunderbender 2

Doesn't the subway call them subs?

SteelCladAngel 0

sandwiches and subway employees are known as sandwich artists :-|

Did the female worker tell it to your boss or did he just hear the conversation? If she told it, she really don't have a sense of humor.

emmiep1011 7

I'll make all you boys a sandwich...

I bet it's a $5 footlong. "It's a man baby!"

AttucisFinch 0

Sold. I'll take one of those doll

I sense an innuendo. Not with buns of bread.

I'm not a boy but can you make one too? I want a grilled cheese sammich please!

Hahaha wow. Thats hilarious (to us atleast). That is ridiculous though.