By Anonymous - 30/01/2017 23:00 - United Kingdom - Dukinfield

Today, I found out that boyfriend doesn't think he needs to wipe his ass after he shits if he's going straight in the shower because he can just "clean it up in there". We share a loofah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 308
You deserved it 2 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would you share a loofah in the first place?! Thats just plain nasty!

SKYstlimit 11

then get your own, not difficult


Like toothbrushes, you're not supposed to share loofahs. Or bars of soap for that matter. Pretty much anything related to hygiene you're not supposed to share. So please, shell out the extra $4 for your own personal loofah.

archerbea 4
MonsterMomma4 1

Now, this comment is putting aside this particular gross, because...loofas are not meant for that. If that's what you do, a washcloth used once before being thoroughly washed is more for you. HOWEVER- Folk will put someone's nether regions in their mouth, NOT immediately before a shower (after a long day, at a party/club, whatever), but sharing a scrubby or a towel is gross? That's as silly as getting grossed out by the strings on a banana.

MonsterMomma4 1

Now, this comment is putting aside this particular gross, because...loofas are not meant for that. If that's what you do, a washcloth used once before being thoroughly washed is more for you. HOWEVER- Folk will put someone's nether regions in their mouth, NOT immediately before a shower (after a long day, at a party/club, whatever), but sharing a scrubby or a towel is gross? That's as silly as getting grossed out by the strings on a banana.

Silverbladex 0

You deserve it. That's disgusting to share one.

MonsterMomma4 1

Now, this comment is putting aside this particular gross, because...loofas are not meant for that. If that's what you do, a washcloth used once before being thoroughly washed is more for you. HOWEVER- Folk will put someone's nether regions in their mouth, NOT immediately before a shower (after a long day, at a party/club, whatever), but sharing a scrubby or a towel is gross? That's as silly as getting grossed out by the strings on a banana.

KuranNayuki 4

Did you know that in many parts of Asia, Middle East, occasionally Europe, people don't use toilet paper? They use a small detachable shower head kind of like a bidet instead and wash their nether regions with it. Also, don't share a loofah if you think that is gross. You scrub dead skin and oil and dirt off of your body. Do you actually think your feet or your genitals, or you HANDS are any less disgusting? If so, I've got a surprise for you, they're all disgusting too.

I vote YDI. That's just wouldn't share a toothbrush, would you?

I guess some people don't shower the same day or the next day after having sex........Funny, this FML post was about someone not wiping after taking a dump and then using the same loofah as someone else, but somehow turned into a discussion about sweaty sex. So yes, if u take a dump, don't shower and rub your butt all over someone else's body, that isn't disgusting? So essentially OP is basically using the same toilet paper as her boyfriend, since he is using the loofah to remove fecal matter. The same loofah OP uses to wash her front and back. If u wipe yourself back to front u can give yourself an infection. I certainly don't think it's hygienic to use someone else's towel or loofah to clean my body after poop particles were just lodged in it. Sorry to poop on your parade! I meant rain on your parade! :)

scottcollins78 0

He sounds like a filthy pig. Sorry hon.