By Anonymous - 30/01/2017 23:00 - United Kingdom - Dukinfield

Today, I found out that boyfriend doesn't think he needs to wipe his ass after he shits if he's going straight in the shower because he can just "clean it up in there". We share a loofah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 308
You deserved it 2 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would you share a loofah in the first place?! Thats just plain nasty!

SKYstlimit 11

then get your own, not difficult


Momperella 5

Ewwwww!!!!!! You should wash yourself with bleach! No sharing loofahs!

Brother does the same thing...I've found shit in the shower

Brother does the same thing...I've found shit in the shower

Even if he does wipe... you don't share a loofah under any circumstance!

bigdaddyeric 35

Buy your own loofah cheap ass!

Does he use the loofah to scrub his asshole??

Shay_Shay97 23

Not anymore you don't. That's straight up nasty.

Buy a new loofa and put hot sauce in it I bet he will stop using it very quickly

Dating is supposed to be the time that you weed out idiots. Time to pluck that weed!