By Lonely - 12/09/2009 11:53 - Australia

Today, I found out that despite having attended every university party held over the last two years, the only physical contact I have had with a member of the opposite sex is when the security guard stamps my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 581
You deserved it 8 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

physical contact with the opposite sex is overrated


RubixMonkey 0

Dude I am sorry but that is your own fault. I'm a freshman this year and even I know that drunk girls at parties lower their standards. Maybe you are so uptight about the parties that you don't relax. Do you actually talk to people or just spend the nights in a corner? You have to put yourself out there. Even if you were not attractive there would be someone there who would make out with you.

visage 0

That's your own fault. I witnessed friends, and/or myself, taken everything from crack ****** to fatties to borderline retards. If you cannot get laid in two years at college you never will.

Funny, I'm in the same position. Except I'm the security guard.

Get out of my iPhone. You are uglyfying it.

xYunqDrex 0

Well, if no one from the opposite sex touched you that should tell you something about yourself. You must be extra ugly. How do you not get any play in a college party? College girls, the same girls that get drunk and end up on girls gone wild, dont wanna touch you? well the only advice i have for you is get your sock and **********. that or become gay. your choice.

What do you mean you "found out"? How could you not know?

RubixMonkey 0

Um, gay people have the same standards as straight people. OP, talk to some girls and see what they say you could improve. You could just be acting too aloof or dressing like your dad. Also maybe a new haircut or going to the gym would help?

You're going to the wrong kind of parties if there is a security guard stamping your hand. No wonder you never get any action