By Lonely - 12/09/2009 11:53 - Australia

Today, I found out that despite having attended every university party held over the last two years, the only physical contact I have had with a member of the opposite sex is when the security guard stamps my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 581
You deserved it 8 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

physical contact with the opposite sex is overrated


seriously dude the chicks at uni parties are drunken *****. HIT THAT SHIT!

Hah, I feel sorry for you. I go to most of the UNSW parties. People always crack onto me. FYL. Perhaps I could introduce you to some people if you are talking about the UNSW parties. do you go to uni parties and FAIL to get laid....? Do you speak to people...? That's usually a good start mate.

RubixMonkey 0

Looking at a chicks boobs and waiting for them to speak to you is not a good way to start any sort of relationship, unless her boobs actually talk--then that would be so cool.

go out to coffee instead to meet guys. one night stands are how you end up like me: almost 22, living with my parents, working two jobs and raising a 4-month old while her daddy plays video games an hours drive away.

I'm sorry OP. if you didn't get any action because you're ugly I'm truly sorry. if you didn't get any because you're too shy, I'm also sorry but hey there's help: just drink more than you did the last 2 years :D

if you can't even score at college parties then you've got a serious problem OP. thats a bit sad :/

Wait what? You didn't find out until today that you've had no physical contact in 2 years? And going to every party sounds a bit desperate.