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By AHHH_REPTAR - 23/06/2016 04:54 - United States - Spearfish

Today, while drilling holes in "No Smoking" signs for my job, I gave myself a minor cut that would appear to most as a papercut. I then had to fill out 3 double-sided pages of paperwork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 638
You deserved it 1 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thought it may be excessive to fill out that much paperwork for what seems to be a simple cut, cuts from drills or metal (puncture wounds) can allow infection of Tetanus, which is dangerous and lethal. Be careful! Any small problems can turn big under the right circumstance.

I would have taken my sweet ass time if I were on the clock


catkat1988 17

Take good care not to get a papercut, then. That'll be the spiral without an end!

I would have taken my sweet ass time if I were on the clock

You are basically getting paid to complete a fill in the blanks booklet......

Boss: "Just fill in the damn blank, Jim." Employee: "But let's take a minute to think about this... What if my birthday WASN'T the second of December..."

Thought it may be excessive to fill out that much paperwork for what seems to be a simple cut, cuts from drills or metal (puncture wounds) can allow infection of Tetanus, which is dangerous and lethal. Be careful! Any small problems can turn big under the right circumstance.

juturnaamo 29

I agree. My mother's husband got a bad infection from a small metal splinter. The doctor said he might have had to cut the end of his finger off.

Maybe before you pretend to be smart you should learn about wtf your talking about. This is such a stupid misconception about Tetanus. Tetanus has nothing to do with metal or rust or rusty metal yet retards like you who think they have medical knowledge keep regurgitating the same incorrect medical information helping keep everyone stupid. "Tetanus is caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, dust and manure." LOOK THINGS UP BEFORE YOU SPREAD YOUR STUPIDITY ANYMORE!

Im sorry for off topic, but why wouldn't you just refer to him as stepdad? You two have issues?

#9. Maybe before you speak, you should learn how to sound at least a little intelligent. Copy pasting doesn't do that for you. Also, you should learn how to deal with anger issues..

"...before you spread your stupidity more!" Oh, the irony.

ChiefKoala 30

Aye you stupid bloke, before you try to act all high and mighty, maybe get your head out of your ass and check your spelling. I'm not perfect, but at least i know the difference between your and you're. Learn that before you spread your stupidity around mate. Also text talk doesn't help your case much.

Nyattack 14

Uh, although #9 said it quite rudely, it is actually true, Tetanus doesn't have anything to do with metal or rust... People often have this misconception because if you find an old rusty nail/sharp piece of metal that could cut through skin, it's likely to have been in contact with soil after lying around, and a cut + contact with the bacterium is what will cause the infection !

heatherrr17 19

I hit my elbow at work yesterday and got a tiny cut then someone gave me a paper towel with household cleaner on it. It stung like hell and all she said was i thought it was peroxide.. I think she hates me

At least you didn't spontaneously catch alight while placing that sign. The irony alone could've killed you if the fire didn't.

Wow. I work at a summer camp and we literally had less paperwork when a kid broke his arm.

Can't blame your workplace for being thorough when it comes to injuries on the job.

The idea is to make the result of an injury so much of an inconvenience that workers just follow the proper procedure or wear their protective equipment as they are supposed to and avoid the injury in the first place.

As someone who works in health and safety, do your job the safe way with the proper PPE. You could've avoided all of that.