By mystery - 07/12/2013 21:55 - United States - Minot

Today, I found out that I take long enough showers for my boyfriend to sleep with my sister and put everything back to normal before I get out. I found out when I needed more shampoo that was in a shopping bag in my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 729
You deserved it 5 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either you have really long showers or he is really quick. Either way, bad luck but good riddance.

SexySlayer1248 18

I'm sorry, I don't know which is a worse betrayal, your sister or your boyfriend


Tell the entire family so she can be shunned by everyone!:D

that is disgusting, and your sister is a nasty lil smut

Why do you just let that happen? That's terrible!

#126 Are you dense, do you not understand the post or are you trolling? She didn't LET anything happen, the sistor and boyfriend ****** each other and screwed OP in the process. Geez, really?

ohh gahhh!! :( soo sorry girl! messed up. I would kick my sister ass..

Ydi because you're wasting water but fyl

OneOnJuanAction 22

Jeez, that must be a really long shower if he can sleep with your sister through the whole night.