By anonymous - 03/12/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I found out that me and my best friend are both pregnant. We live together, and both had one night stands with the same guy. Now we are going to be each raising his children in the same house while he has decided to "not get involved" and move to a different state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 774
You deserved it 82 698

Same thing different taste


Everybody says that these girls are ****** ans scanks, but the idiot man did not think of protecting himself when he did not insist on protection either so he is just as much to blame for the situation as they are. It takes to to tango whether you guy like to hear it or not. Consentual sex means he will also take responsibility for what ever happens afterwards, that mean stop runnig an come back and taking care of his babies. I'm not say what the girls did what the girls did was good, but they can not run away form the consequanses like he can. So face they should all face up to their mistake.

It annoys me how when its a woman that has a liberated sexuality, she's a total ****, and when its a man, its normal. So what ? A guy can have a one night stand but not a girl. Those girls are two best friends so they probably shares some view. I don't find it irregular that they both were attracted to the same guy. Sure its not correct to have unprotected sex. But they are taking their responsabilities and are raising the children. I have more respect for OP than any of the commenters that said that she was a total ****. The only « **** » in this story is the guy.

It annoys me how when its a woman that has a liberated sexuality, she's a total ****, and when its a man, its normal. So what ? A guy can have a one night stand but not a girl. Those girls are two best friends so they probably shares some view. I don't find it irregular that they both were attracted to the same guy. Sure its not correct to have unprotected sex. But they are taking their responsabilities and are raising the children. I have more respect for OP than any of the commenters that said that she was a total ****. The only « **** » in this story is the guy.

jebe331 1

Abort you idiots abort! clearly you can't make good decisions therefor should not be in charge of caring for another living thing, in fact do away with your pets and houseplants while you're at it.

A one night stand does not mean they don't work or that they're not well educated. It's an entirely ridiculous assumption (as well as a pretty disgusting term to use for any child, regardless of circumstance, but that's irrelevant and seeing as you're happy to make long winded and baseless assumptions and accusations about someone you know almost nothing about) to say their kids will be a burden to society. The only people in history who have talked seriously about sterilizing people because of their personal beliefs have been pretty damned evil. Don't even try to defend your notion that you think you know best and can say who should and shouldn't have children. The OP slept with one guy that we know of and you don't know why. Perhaps she was going through a tough time. Perhaps she was very drunk. Perhaps she thought she knew him better than that(she obviously knew him to some extent seeing as her friend knew him too. it's not very likely it was some random guy she'd never met before). You also don't know that she was aware the guy wasn't using a condom. Some guys slip them off without the girl noticing after they start. Don't start throwing around the word "****" as if it's justification for bad things to happen to her. Even if she was usually promiscuous and knowingly not using protection every time, and so in your opinion disgusting, that still does not make it OK for people to say her unborn child needs to be scraped out with a coat hanger and that she should suicide. If I was arrogant enough to think I could dictate who should and should not have children I think the world would be a far better place if only those capable of showing compassion and not spamming mindless hatred instead of saying that people who don't have sex in a manner I deem responsible should not be allowed kids, because if they don't agree with my views on sex they clearly are uneducated, don't work and will be a burden on, god forbid, THE TAXPAER!(You know, the same tax payer who uncomplaining has their taxes funding Israel as they tear down the homes of hundreds every day, torture thousands of unjustified prisoners and kill children, aid workers, journalists, etc),

I really don't get why these girl should get abortions? A lot of single women (and men, of course) raise children who turn out perfectly fine. Yes, they should've thought of contraception but on the other hand condoms and pills sometimes fail and we can't know for sure what the situation is for these girls. Plus: the guy is as responsible as the girls are. Also: apfluxx said: "True, men are *****. But the women in this story are, too. I have too much respect for myself than to sleep with a guy without knowing his history, his personality, and his views on children in case he gets me pregnant. You don't just sleep with someone out of the blue and then complain when you get into trouble. You were just asking for it in the first place." - I seriously don't get why people who have one night stands are *****. Care to explain? The way I see it a person is a **** when the person gets paid for having sex with someone. You think the OP and her friend got paid for sleeping with this guy and getting pregnant? I somehow doubt it. I fail to understand why people are ***** just because they have sex. Sex is not something dirty, it's nice and wonderful and beautiful. Some people wait 'till marriage and that's fine, others have one night stands - and you know what? That's fine too.

No, I didn't say you said that sex is dirty, or that anyone else did, for that matter, but obviously that's what some people seem to think based on all the negative response. And you can't always be prepared for the outcome, mistakes happen. Of course, one has to be able to take the consequenses should mistakes happen, but NOT being able to doesn't make one a ****. It just makes one irresponsible. And maybe the OP and her friend ARE irresponsible but we do not know that for sure. But it STILL doesn't make them *****. Just irresponsible. And I still fail to see why people who have one night stands are *****... How do you know the OP "sleeps around" as you put it? Just because she had one one night stand doesn't mean you can just draw the conclusion that she's sleeping around. And no, being a prostitute and sleeping around is NOT the same thing. ****** do it as a job, to earn money, people who sleep around probably just want to satisfy their natural urges - sex is after all the most natural thing - or perhaps are in search of a partner or whatever, but i highly doubt the motive behind sleeping around is money. But hey, that's just me. If you think the OP and her friend are *****, then by all means continue thinking so. If so, then you should probably call me a **** as well. Oh noes, I have had sex outside a relationship, OMG! I myself don't consider anyone else but actual prostitutes *****. Everyone has the right to **** whomever they please as long as both are in on it - without getting the label ****. But - as I said - that's just me. Yeah. End of discussion.

Sorry, but sleeping with one guy does not make the OP and her friend *****. You can choose not to sleep with whoever you want and consider it "respecting yourself". No one is really interested in your personal view or what you chose to do or not to do. It doesn't make what others chose to do any more or less respectful of themselves. You don't know the OP slept with him just "out of the blue". He could have been a good friend she'd known for a while and liked. The guy could've taken his condom off during sex. Or her could've been a random pick up in a bar where she was completely sober and aware it wasn't protected sex and she still wouldn't be deserving of being in an awkward situation with her best friend and having people say she should be sterilized, or that they hope she gets aids, or that she MUST abort. Your values about "respecting yourself" count for next to nothing if you're going to follow them up by being hateful, judgmental and ignorant.

tastycakes 0

Congratulations! Sounds like the guy doesn't deserve the privilege of being involved, at least not until he grows up a little. In the meantime, think how lucky you and your friend are to have each other for support and understanding. Your kids will be half siblings, and each have a loving parent, as well as an 'aunt' to watch out for them. Personally I'd much rather raise a child in your situation than on my own!! Good luck to both of you.

Cormophyte 0

They have wire clothes hangers in Georgia, right?