By burned - 03/02/2015 20:45

Today, I found out that my 4-year-old son is truly convinced that I am a ghost. He also thinks that I died from burning, "because of your face". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 986
You deserved it 2 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids have wild imaginations and no filter on what they say, don't take it too personally!

just have fun with it OP, kids believe in crazy things.


Kids have wild imaginations and no filter on what they say, don't take it too personally!

just have fun with it OP, kids believe in crazy things.

He's only going to believe that for a short time, so it probably time to play it up and make ghost noises and do ghost things. Take advantage of the situation op. :)

Kids are awesome because they get to say what everyone else wants to, and people just say "kids will be kids"

thatonetribute 31

try not to take it personally. Kids say anything that pops into their head!

He going to write some good books some day with that kind of imagination.

I have a Sister in-law who is "Big Boned" and my Niece, 5 yrs old, asked her "Aunt Anita, are you wearing a fat suit?"

That's awesome in a horribly mean way! You all must've tried so hard not to burst out laughing! Young kids can say the most inappropriate, hurtful, things and have no idea.

Thats mean. Even by 4 year old standards. Im sorry OP. but it's the perfect time to sit down and really explain the situation and hurtful words to him and hope he doesn't say it again