By burned - 03/02/2015 20:45

Today, I found out that my 4-year-old son is truly convinced that I am a ghost. He also thinks that I died from burning, "because of your face". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 986
You deserved it 2 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids have wild imaginations and no filter on what they say, don't take it too personally!

just have fun with it OP, kids believe in crazy things.


What's wrong with your face to make your child say that

Hmm... Kids usually have a higher spiritual something or other. If there isn't anything wrong with your face it could be he's seeing a past life or something in you. If you believe in those kinds of things that is.

Feel free to remind him he came from that beautiful face.

1. your kid is a total asshole. You need to be a parent and teach them to show parents some damned respect! you know, like they did in the old days before discipline was all but outlawed. 2. Failing that, you are possessed by a ghost and the kid can see it.

Sounds like you did get burned pretty bad.

Lol, didn't you say he is your ghost child?