By CrappyDay - 20/08/2013 17:14 - United States

Today, while working at a daycare, I had to change a kid's diaper. This may seem normal for a daycare worker, but not when it's a 7-year-old kid who is still not potty-trained and shat their pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 110
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes. I thought kids of a certain age HAD to be toilet trained in order to attend day care.

"Yes, hello? Your kid... well, just come on down and see for yourself. You might want to hurry."


"Yes, hello? Your kid... well, just come on down and see for yourself. You might want to hurry."

"Oh no, again?! Just hold onto him for a few more hours, were searching online for a backup breast feeder!"

magicman13 9

Parents need to stop being lazy.

People need to call child services, is more like it.

TayonaC 10

this makes me wonder if anything was wrong with the child. I mean, a 7 year old still in diapers is too strange especially if they are stable physically and/or menatlly.

IMO we need more information before we start condemning the parents.

89 you are right, we don't know if the child has any physical and/or mental issues.

85: Um...I'm not sure I agree that calling child services is a valid action just for the fact he's not potty trained yet...

Unless OP knows for certain that the child has never been potty trained from experience, it's possible the child in question has instead regressed to incontinence, which can be a sign of sexual abuse. Calling CPS for this could indeed be appropriate.

there are a lot of reasons for a child of that age to have bathroom issues. They range from an upset tummy to medical issues to poor parenting and possible abuse. OP that is your job, suck it up!! If its that big of an issue, take it up with the parents, if you are to low on the for chain to have that conversation with them directly, talk to your boss and have him/her talk to the parents. If this does not help, felt a new line of work, children are all different and have different wants and needs and you are supposed to be their for them, not judging and condemning them.

claysculpture 9

sad thing is child services currently endorse this type of parenting. They're actually concerned when a child is toilet trained "too young" in their eyes. But a carer not toilet training a child? They're fine with that. Sure, they might laugh about it, but they don't consider it a problem.

101 I think if the child had mental/physical disabilities, the op would've been well aware of that and probably wouldn't have complained about it on this site, unless he/she is a complete asshole and will use anything to try and get featured on this site.

Yikes. I thought kids of a certain age HAD to be toilet trained in order to attend day care.

it depends on the daycare..usually its up to the owner of the individual daycare as to what age they will accept kids in diapers

UnicornFarts 15

The kid might have a disability.

Most people would assume 7 year olds are potty trained...

I once taught a daycare class of 16 kids. All of them were 2, save for one. A 4 year old who refused to use the potty. He was still in a class with 2 year old & the owner would not progress him until he was toilet trained. She have the parents until the kid 5, or he would be kicked out.

no 105, the owner of the daycare. not the kid.

150493x 29

This is really worrying. The poor kid must be embarrassed too. The parents need to be spoken to as this can be seen as neglect.

ileenefudge 29

That may be one reason. Or the child could be disabled. Before judging the parents for neglect OP should ask about the child's medical history, which would tell if the child has been diagnosed with anything (don't most schools and daycares request at least something to prove the child is up to date on shots and such anyways?) or ask the parents about the child's history in using the bathroom or whatever. If the child is disabled you can sometimes tell and most parents will say yes or no. If not, and the child doesn't seem to have anything like a disability, I would be worried as to why the parents haven't potty trained their kid yet.

If your child has a disability and you are leaving them at a daycare, wouldn't you make mention of said disability to the people who will be caring for your child? It would only seem reasonable to do so to avoid misunderstandings regarding your child's behavior. If it is some kind of disability by this point there is no way the parents don't know about it. Basically the OP should already have been told if it's a disability.

Maybe the child has a fear of the potty?...

summerguy97 16

Maybe if you installed a litter box for him...

I could understand that if the child was mentally or physically challenged, but my son is three and only has accidents.

You never know what to expect when working in child care.

candycrazy44 5

I guess you can say you had a shitty day.

Here they are... The shitty day/situation comments...

TheDrifter 23

Calm down man, shit happens. No need for shit to get violent.

I really don't think there is enough information here to immediately condemn the parents. Maybe the child suffers cognitive difficulties or is mentally or physically handicapped.

I don't think OP would have complained about it had the kid been suffering from a mental or cognitive disorder of some kind. It could have been just an accident though, I don't know why OP automatically inferred he wasn't potty-trained.

I'm sure the diaper was the first clue. A potty trained kid who had an accident would have been wearing underwear.

25, It is highly unlikely any normal seven year old would be wearing a diaper. There is a very good chance he's autistic. My little brother is five years old and has autism, still wears a diaper and refuses to be potty trained as he has a fear of the loud flushing noises toilets make. A quick google search will show you many autistic kids do not grow out of this fear. However it is possible the child is autistic and OP didn't notice as a lot of autistic children do not speak.

My little sister is autistic, don't speak, and she was potty trained by four, just saying.

#60, There is a saying in the autism community, "If you've met one person with autism, you've met ONE person with autism." Just because your sister was potty trained by 4 doesn't mean all children with autism can or will be. I am the parent of a child on the severe end of the autism spectrum. He is 7 and not potty trained. Is it fun changing his diapers? No! Will I do it forever if necessary? Absolutely! I know kids older than him who are not yet fully potty trained and I know kids younger who are completely trained and never have an accident. Just saying. As for the OP, I hope you aren't complaining about doing your job when it is a child who can't help it.

#32 you're probably right. I'd forgotten about the diaper. Well then everything points to some sort of disorder (maybe autism as some have mentioned) in which case I think the complaining is uncalled for. The kid obviously can't help it.

CookieLovesBoo 16

Not all children are the same :) but I'm glad she learned that .#60

I could be wrong but I somehow doubt that the OP would be complaining if the child was autistic. I also don't believe that any parent who had an autistic child, or a child with any diagnosed learning disability, would leave their child with a caretaker without mentioning that there was a disability involved. That would just be asking for trouble and misunderstandings. I mean I understand the angle of maybe they didn't want to cause the child to have a stigma, but it seems like it would be worse to have the caretakers think that your child is just a trouble maker. Am I wrongs parents?

In my experience, a parent can inform the daycare centre of issues, but it doesn't necessarily mean every person on the staff is made aware of them. For example, my kid gets eczema (severe dry skin) and when he was in daycare he had a particularly bad case on his arms and back. When I dropped him off I told both the staff management and one of the workers in his room what it was and not to worry. When I picked him up that day, one of the workers told me about the "rash" and told me off for bringing him in sick. I explained again and it was fine. Later that week, I was called up by a worker telling me I had to come pick him up because of the "rash", and again I had to explain. He had it for about 3 weeks and I was called every single time a different worker was in the room, despite having already fully informed basically the entire staff as well as the centre manager. Point is, maybe if the child does have issues the parents informed the centre when they enrolled him and management didn't pass the information on properly.

I'm just going to say this, if I had a child with some kind of disability, such as autism, I wouldn't rely on management to pass the information along. I would want to meet the person or persons whom would actually be taking care of my child to be certain they were prepared for the task. I say that because a person being ready and able to take care of a child does not guarantee they are ready to take care of a special needs child. I personally wouldn't want to take any risks with my child's mental well being by risking them being left with someone who didn't know how to handle their disability. Truthfully though the same would be true if I had a nondisabled child. Why trust your kids well being to a middle man.

68, I agree completely with you, I also gave you a thumbs up!

carina_47 16

That's a messy situation you got there ...