By holdengurl18 - 21/06/2011 04:46 - China

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is extremely jealous of a stuffed toy that sits on my bed, all because it gets to 'sleep in the same bed as me and he doesn't.' Now, whenever he comes over, he throws it at the wall, death glares at it, then gets up and kicks it under my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 829
You deserved it 13 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your boyfriend two years old? What a dumbass. Try dating someone who acts like an adult.

MrBoredGuy 1


He's trying to be "cute" but it's clearly not working.

IronMaiden45 0

is he jealous to the point that if he saw you giving a hug to a guy friend or relative he would freak out?

is your "toy" a vibrator by any chance? that would explain him :)

ihainecross 4

haha that's funny I actually have the same problem

darklight549 2

Get rid of that toy and give him a "toy" to play with. Easy as that.

that's funny and kinda cute XD we're all kids deep down haha

thats cute:) atleast you know he likes you and wants to stick with you and plus then you know he isn't cheating on you is he gets jealous of your little stuff animal

DerpyHooves 0

I find it weird that a lot of people are concluding that her boyfriend has some hidden rage and/or is abusive. We don't even know if he is legitimately jealous or if she just thinks he is. He might just be trying to be cute or he's just awkward. I think she really has to start worrying if he starts punching walls to relieve stress or something like that >_>

at least punching walls is better than punching people