By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 03:30 - United States - Crowley

Today, I found out that my boyfriend paid a guy to tell me he was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 087
You deserved it 6 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Dswank620 18

A simple "it's over" couldn't have sufficed..?

It's not that it wouldn't have sufficed, it's just some people don't take "no" for an answer. If he had to go to such drastic measures id question whether OP has some issues of her own. Cause damn, he wants out pretty bad if he had to fake his death.

bluucat 17

Seriously what is wrong with people?

Common sense is rarer than beef from a cow that's still grazing.

Respect101 17

#13, what if the something wrong, was OP and not the boyfriend? Like maybe she is a little obssessive or controlling? Just spit balling here.

1dvs_bstd 41

well, he seriously wants to break up, so why don't you give in to his demand? if he is willing to go that drastic mile, well then, damn, homie wants out bad!

Bluebl4ze 16

Wtf? I agree with most of the other comments: why did he not just say that it was over? It may hurt but its better to feel the pain of heartbreak than the pain and anger that comes from a lie.

therealjc_fml 14

He might as well be then right?

Either OP's boyfriend is the most pathetic coward ever to crawl the earth, or OP is a terrifying, obsessive, murderous psycho. That's my assessment of the situation.

And it's official, I not longer want to live on this planet anymore

If THAT'S all it takes to send you over the edge, I seriously question your ability to cope with a mosquito bite.

cryssycakesx3 22

I motion we send ojoy to Mars.